...biological versus non-biological...
More and more do I believe thoughts, conscience, etc are not restricted to being processed by biological cells (in the brain) and their connectivity through the transmission of electrical signals which can be detected by an encephalogram (or so).
Today I saw a picture of a huge military jet plane, in front under the canope a small pinpointed head (of the pilot).
So all it takes to control that machine is the software which, in this case, is arranged in the head of the pilot. The rest ist electronics, mechanics etc. Sensors, actuators, flaps, elevators, ailerons, engines.
Most of it is non-biological, when we account the weight of the complete system.
Only when it comes to the software we see that the bulk is in the brain of the pilot.
Which doesn´t mean the holder of the same software couldn´t be a non-biological thing, yet still required to provide the capability and ability of the biological system. Most of the thinking and controlling going on in the pilot´s head is done by electricity.
Electricity can have more than only a biological base making it act logically, and at the far end, emotionally; as you can see by the machine you´re sitting in front of (your computer). A computer is a rudimentary bios of a sophisticated artificial intelligence which the future will (most probably) hold. Or is already holding at this moment somewhere else in the vast vast universe.