The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

My Photo
Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 love someone...

but if we think we need a special kind of love, the beautiful light can blind us.

ArtinArt´s comment on a flickr post.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

how to use modern media, what they can do to us, what they can be good for (like everything in this world):

a comment under a friend´s (own) post on flickr:

When I look at this comment stream, I am moved to tears. Its gratitude, mainly. And some sorrow, when I think of people who are not here. It's a little like when you have a beautiful sweater (or jumper as they say across the pond) and it is knitted with care. Then one day, you realize a piece of the yarn got caught on something and its dangling out of place. Do our eyes see the whole sweater at that moment, or just the "out of place" thread? If you know how, you can skillfully restore the sweater almost to normal. If you don't have that skill, you let it keep unravelling.
I am trying to learn the skill of restoring, rather than unravelling. In some cases, i am learning too late, especially when others lack the same skill.
But look at the lovely sweater that is being woven here, by these good people. Thank you all.

Thank you R

"Life is a journey - take the scenic route."

said "Chaco Kid" in a comment.
I like.



To me, the idea, how complicated and smart our body and our brain is devised and works, with all the cells working together, exchanging messages and reacting to the signals of our sensors, and that all this can be used to lift a cigarette to the mouth, to empty a can of beer, to spit on the ground, to hurt and torture fellow beings, to me is a very hard piece to swallow. I don't get it.

The only comfort is that the system which I've just described, sometimes takes to devoting to and loving a fellow being.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

i think this is a world of gifts, not a world of taking things for granted.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

...on being different...

I saw a photo of a bike with tiny wheels on flickr. I commented:

they stare at me
they tease me
they giggle behind my back
they make jokes about me

only because my wheels are tinier than normal
i´m not normal
it´s a hard life being teased all the time

but i found out:
i´m faster around corners, more practical
than normal bikes
they even use me to carry a message
because everyone will stare at me anyway
and notice the message

that´s a comfort
but only a comfort

my tiny wheels, my funny appearance, make me different
now my mind has also become



Sunday, January 15, 2012 to hurt...

There used to be a time when I was too afraid to hurt someone, I felt pity for her/him.
Today, when I´m much older and "blessed" with life experience, I´ve come to learn that it´s often much better to hurt someone than keeping on out of mercy, and destroying a life.
To hurt, I believe - it´s in fact another building block (using black tar and feathering), which can be used, and is often a necessary ingredient, to built a happy life.

I didn´t know.

But I´ve been hurt myself several times, and in the end, those hurts turned out to be good building blocks to build new cosy rooms in the house of my life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


the world is full of analogies:

so we might be condensed dark matter, or condensed dark energy.
it´s invisibly floating around everywhere, like water vapor.
it can condense, our bodies, or even more so our minds might be such condensations, like vapour condenses to droplets, billions of them, in clouds.

this analogy might lead us a long way, perhaps...


occasionally, fate shines a warm light on me.
thank you.

...varieties of love...

I wrote in a flickr comment:
"There are at least two qualities (varieties) of love: Loving things, actions, also animals - and the potion of love which we drink when we "fall in love" with a person, a fundamental love, which seems part of our DNA, which can lift us to heaven, but which can also destroy us, making us loose control over ourself and our life especially when it's not fulfilled.
Your photo is very graphic.
I like grantskitties comment."

a flickr friend (MM) answered:
There are four main Greek words for love, Mister Beep: agápe, éros, philía, and storgē.
In Psychology, Lee defined six varieties of relationship that might be labeled love: agápe, éros, storgē, pragma, ludus and mania.
Until you have found safety and love within yourself, you are incapable of experiencing the true meaning of love.
/ comment...

a kind comment by a flickr friend:

Thank you for being who you are. I have not known you for a long time, but from what I gather, you are a thinker and an emotional person who isn't afraid to show his feelings. It is very seldom you find this quality in men. I really like and appreciate that.
May you find peace and ease in your heart, [H...], and may 2012 be good and loving to you.
Take care, my friend.

thank you so much for your kind words, P.

Friday, January 06, 2012


I'm dedicating this post to good friend Ray, who stops by every now and then to read my articles. He often publishes his own thoughts about my posts in his own blog.
That's so kind of him.

Thanks Ray!


Wednesday, January 04, 2012

...go on...

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, January 02, 2012

Das, was wir in uns selbst vermissen, suchen wir im anderen. Dies ist die Chance für äußere wichtige Lernerfahrungen zur Bewusstwerdung. Die Lektion kann nicht theoretisch - durch intellektuelles Forschen oder sentimentales Schwelgen erfasst werden. Sie bedarf unmittelbar existentieller Erfahrung; sie verlangt das Sich-Einlassen auf alle, Dimensionen des Glücks, der Ekstase, der gegenseitigen Bereicherung, aber auch auf die des Schmerzes, des Kampfes und der Vernichtung. Lebendige Beziehungen lassen die Beteiligten alle Gegensätze erfahren: zur Liebe gehört die Eifersucht, zur Harmonie der Streit, zum Einswerden die Trennung, zum erregenden Kennenlernen die ernüchternde Entfremdung.
Lernziel dieser Lebensschule ist das Vollständigwerden des Individuums. Nur in dem Maße, in dem der Mensch seine eigene Einheit und innere Harmonie wiederfindet, nähert er sich dem großen Ziel seiner ganzheitlichen Selbstentfaltung. Glückseligkeit, die er verzweifelt im Äußeren zu finden hofft, ist nur im Inneren zu entdecken und zu entwickeln. Jede uns bewegende Unruhe, jede Unzufriedenheit, die uns zum Anderen treibt, entspringt der Suche nach wirklicher Ruhe und tiefem Frieden. Dies ist der Grund, warum spirituelle Meister immer wieder darauf hinweisen, dass ein intelligenter Mensch sehr bald zur Einsicht kommt, dass keine Beziehung ihn je wirklich befriedigen kann.
»Warum«? Weil jede Beziehung nur ein Pfeil ist, der auf die letzte und höchste Liebesbeziehung zufliegt. Jede
Liebesbeziehung ist ein Meilenstein, kein Endpunkt. Jede Liebesbeziehung ist nur ein Wegweiser auf eine größere
Liebe, die vor dir liegt. (...) Hast du aber erst einmal von der Liebe gekostet, hast du auch nur einige wenige
Augenblicke reiner Freude erlebt, jenes ungeheure Pulsieren, in das zwei Menschen sich auflösen. (...) Sobald ein Fenster aufgeht und du einen Blick in den Palast werfen kannst, in seine Schönheit, seine Großartigkeit, seinen Glanz, auch wenn du nur einmal für einen kurzen Augenblick hineingebeten und dann wieder hinausgeworfen worden bist, dann kann der Vorhof dich nie wieder zufrieden stellen. (...) Wenn du dich in das Ganze verliebt hast, wenn die Vereinigung mit dem Ganzen geschieht, dann, und nur dann, wirst du erfüllt sein.« (Sannyas 16, Beziehungsdrama oder Liebesabenteuer).
copyright storebukke

Sunday, January 01, 2012

...NY res...

I promise
next time I'm in GC
I run run run run run
jump into the water
run run run run run
jump into the water

at the beach
under the sun

it is so rejuvenating
why haven't I been doing it more often?

Disfruta de tu vida con más frecuencia!
