The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

My Photo
Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bodily Faults

I've been witnessing an online question and answer thing which you can nowadays find at formats such as formspring.
This particular thing just has peaked with the questioner offending the interviewee about some bodily defects.

We all suffer from bodily faults, more or less, and even those rare near perfect species aren't happy with themselves because when they watch themselves in a mirror they would detect even the tiniest speck on their skin and lament about being so ugly.

First of all, I have to say that each body should be treated as a gift, be it fat or thin or just normal (what's normal? Standard?).

People who are fat or thin in most cases cannot help it because it's related to a malfunctioning metabolism or whatever. 
A big person just can't hunger away their pounds, and a scarecrow can't gain weight simply by eating more.
I know what I'm talking about cos I'm of the scarecrow species. 

Now wait, those who feel themselves being justified and chosen to JUDGE on their fellow beings' condition of body - how about some disease which could turn YOU into one of those ugly fatties or skinnies just by TOMORROW!
Would you be able to cope with your new fate?
And think about a possible new existence in another life (an assumption which cannot be ruled out) where the roles might be exchanged! Good luck!

And also, a big person usually IS  beautiful just like a thin person Is beautiful with nice muscle tones and such.
It depends on the point of view.

Be proud of yourselves, you're worth it. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wisdom gained

Wisdom gained in life
If only I could use my accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and experience in a later life so I wouldn't have to learn anew all that I've experienced in my present existence.
Remarkably this was one of the reasons why I started writing this blog! To save my experience and knowledge and, most of all, insight in the purpose of our existence.

Also it includes to a high degree the probability that the next life might be either better or worse than the present one, which is one more reason to improve living conditions and education and feeling of responsibility for all because: it could be YOU who is the suffering servant in the next life whereas now, you might be a king or another previleged person.

But who knows: "my" next existence might be incorporated by a cat a dog a fly....
You can never be sure. 

Maybe, after all, it's also a matter of scale: we just might be too small to comprise, to understand.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I used to have a penfriend

Dedicated to


I used to have a penfriend.
It was back in 1969. there was a radio station called 208, because they were broadcasting on this wave length on the medium wave band.
Actually, they were broadcasting from Luxembourg, Radio Tele Luxembourg, a station which broadcast in German during the day, Dutch in the afternoon, and English at night. One day they came up with the foundation of a pen pal club. I applied, and got several pen friends in Britain and Ireland. I'm still in contact with one of them, Ken. 
It was this young man's idea to not only exchange written letters but also so-called message tapes, small reels which held some 10 minutes of music and talk, or rather 2 x 10 minutes, after swapping the two reels, so that the tracks on the other side of the tape could also be played.
Another pen friend was Helen, she used to live in Southern England. At first we exchanged letters, and later we also exchanged small message tapes, two or three of them which I still have.
One day I decided that I had too many penfriends and I  wanted to reduce their number, a decision which I've regretted until today! 
It was like those friends had trusted me and I sent them  letters suggesting the ending of our relations as penpals. 
I blame it on the liberty and easiness of the life as the youngster who I was.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I´m leaving Germany tomorrow for a few days´ stay in Gran Canaria, where the temperatures are much higher, in the twenties Cel as opposed to well below zero here in DE. And it´s snowing.

I love the different climates within Europe.

Cold Air

Cold air seems to be a good insulator, which makes you in fact feel warm when you accomplish some exercise. Totally different feeling from what is the case when temperatures are around zero and all is wet and bitterly cold.
I love DEEP winter!

Radioactive Ray

Hello my radioactive friend!

I presently cannot comment on your posts, so I hope you might notice my post.
I wish you all my best, and a good glow will be good for savings on electricity for bulbs.

I'm using one or two of your flower pictures as a wallpaper on my iPod. I like your static wildlife very much , and I promise to water them every day, calling for some rain haha.

Take care my friend!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Nederlands - German Relationship

I've noticed they play a fair deal of German songs on Netherlands radio. So we must be friends right? I'm so pleased, because I love Holland