The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

My Photo
Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Saturday, December 31, 2011


My online friend A wrote the following very warming words about me, she has the ability to look right through all the http´s, all the gadgets, screens, and symbols of modern internet....straight into my heart.

Thank you so much for your assessment, A, and many many hugs.

Thank you for being who you are. I have not known you for a long time, but from what I gather, you are a thinker and an emotional person who isn't afraid to show his feelings. It is very seldom you find this quality in men. I really like and appreciate that.


i so often compare communication with my online friends whom i´ve never met in person with communicating with some form of angels. they are invisible, yet they are there, and they do influence my ways! they listen when i need them, and they react, and response, and send their advice on how i lead my life. usually comforting advice (also b/c politeness says so), encouraging me, sometimes discouraging, accusing me.
that´s why i do love my online friends, and the internet. and it´s only the beginning, for we obviously haven´t yet realized completely what a powerful instrument this medium is, to make this a better world, to get closer to each other, to love each other more.


Every single meeting with a friend is a building block for a strong long-lasting relationship.


...ada wrote...

Ada wrote: "Manchmal fühlt sich alles verkehrt an. Manchmal alles richtig. Das Leben ist eines der schwierigsten. In diesem Sinne: Giuten Rutsch H-Mut! Ich wünsch dir noch viele glückliche Momente."

...the wish...

thanks, diamond ITS, for the wonderful wishes and thoughts, which I´ve transferred from the flickr comments section:

“ Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you don't think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You'll look ten years younger. Don't be afraid to say, 'I love you'. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world. “ Ann Landers ""

Friday, December 30, 2011


I´m often wondering, does a bird know she´s a bird, does she acknowledge living in a place that we love (palm trees, woods), to be able to fly around? Or is she just "there".
I once watched some raven flying roller coaster in the air: they carried an object in the beak, lifted it up, opened beak, and dived steeply to catch it again. Several times.
Was this playful? Training? Chilling out? Joy of life?
--- I often touch the hand of a friendly person at the tiller a tad longer than necessary when I hand her my Card, she´ll notice and our eyes meet for a fraction of a second, and a swift smile.
And the heart warms.


once upon a time
there was focus aperture shutter-speed focal-length
sensibility grain amount of exposures in a roll
each had their own characters
like friends
whose friendship needs nurturing
too be a deep one

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


My life has had a fair amount of happy moments for sure.
But still, I'll be quite relieved when it'll end in some 10 or 20 years.

I'm looking forward to the next cycle.


Monday, December 26, 2011


This life has had a few happy, even very happy moments.
Still, I'm glad when it'll be over. I'm looking forward to a new beginning under hopefully better conditions. Reigned by more love.

There must be something wrong when even in a paradise here on earth tears are cried.


Monday, December 19, 2011


I don't think "good" and "bad" are of importance in the cosmos, it doesn't come from there. Rather I think it's a thing brought forward with and through evolution, with animals eating each other, and later humans struggling and competing with each other for food and well-being and thus eliminating un-compatible fellows. We're not the beginning of everything, we are not the crown of everything. Were are just mere dust in the teeth of the cobs built in a gear the function of which we are far from understanding.


... in the middle of nowhere ...

a tree, standing in the middle of nowhere, can give you food for endless thinking. are you ready to think?


Thursday, December 15, 2011

...getting older ...

becoming older and wrinkled: is looking forward to a fresh new life!!! somewhere in the universe, as/in another form of life.

comforting thought.


... tears ...

yes, i sometimes cry tears, of sadness rarely, of joy pretty often, but mostly: tears of feelings.

just feelings.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

... have you smiled today? ...

A woman stranger smiled at me yesterday, and I smiled back.

... I just found this tweet of mine from a while back. twitter never loses your tweets, lol.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

... virtual world ...

The virtual world can be the real world, as long as the belly is full.


Monday, December 12, 2011

... beyond ...

my answer to a flickr post:

"I´m no longer afraid really. It´s the time, and often, very often there´s me trying to look beyond, in anticipation.
It´d be nothing but a natural thing to happen, and that´s comforting, and promising.
Be good."

Saturday, December 10, 2011

... home ...


Dating a girl (from a man´s point of view, the same goes vice versa) caused butterflies in my stomach, and lots of nervousness, tenseness. When I was young and shy.

Later, an appointment with a lady would still cause butterflies, and a feeling of tenseness, of an adventure.

When I go to see my ladyfriend, nowadays, it causes warm soft butterflies, and a feeling of arriving home, after a long, long journey.

This is weird, and beautiful.

Friday, December 09, 2011

... she said ...

- your hair, is so gray! you no longer look like forty-five, or fifty. no. you know that?
it´s because you are growing your hair longer.
it looks good on you, though.

she said.

... it´s an illusion isn´t it ...

drink some alc - and reality will vanish, alter,
smoke grass - perception of the world will alter
live through a stroke - perception of this world will alter
change the electric flows within our bodies - everything will be totally different

evolution evidently has adapted us to the conditions on earth, our senses perceive everything as is best for us

they become totally useless in a different environment (deep sea, outer planets)

everything seems to be a product of electric flows, whirling atoms, waves etc.

an illusion.

what for? is there an intention behind letting sensors sense an environment, and cause actors (our muscles) to take actions?

we live in a quantum world. we aren´t subjects. we are objects.

(thoughts, on my way to a letterbox).

Thursday, December 08, 2011

... convinced ...

I´m almost convinced that we´ll be reborn a billion times, before we enter into some heaven (this happening is very uncertain, though).
I´ve been born into this world, don´t know where I was before, don´t know where I´ll be next.
I don´t think our distinct existences are related to each other, we are not the same persons, although we will be other "me"- units.
So, in my next life, I won´t have any relation whatsovever to Monsieur Beep. Monsieur Beep will be gone forever. Like leaves on a tree. They look the same, but they are very unique, and a single event, one of a trillion or more in a row scooped out of a mass of ... (of what? if we only knew...).

This makes sense to me. I´m looking forward to the next new fresh life. I will most probably have a caring mother, that´s what I´m looking for most.
But I won´t be able to appreciate that in my next life, because I won´t be able to recall my present life, where I have been missing parental love so much. It´ll be gone. Over. No more traces.

Yet, it makes sense to me. It comforts me.

... family ...

My parents have been living with their partners some 400 kms apart, have never met over more than 55 years, or talked ever since.
Meanwhile their partners have passed away.
But my family is still there.
And they talk over the phone.
That´s good.
We are family.

... friends online ...

Ray said...
@ Monsieur Beep -

I'm glad that you are resolving some of those 'family issues' that seem to plague many of us. There were a couple of your blog entries a while back that worried me, because you seemed to be very depressed. I'm glad you're now past that, and into
a better frame of mind.

Much like you, it took me far too much of my life to get even close to resolving a few of my own issues, and I found that forgiveness is not something I'm very good at, especially if the back of my head fits the repaired spots on the kitchen's drywall.
I'm lucky to be alive, and my dear departed daddy is lucky to have died in bed. I had other plans for him for quite a long time.

December 2, 2011 8:12 AM

TC [Girl] said...
Ray said...
"forgiveness is not something I'm very good at, especially if the back of my head fits the repaired spots on the kitchen's drywall.
I'm lucky to be alive, and my dear departed daddy is lucky to have died in bed. I had other plans for him for quite a long time."

I hear ya, Ray! Still trying to work through some of that "gunk," myself! Believe it or not, having to take care of an elderly woman has taught me to have more compassion...for my mother! I never dreamed that I could ever gain that for an abuser! :-(

What you posted re: Monsieur Beep: it's a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing! It gives me hope! :-D

December 4, 2011 1:08 AM

Ray said...
@ TC[Girl]

I wasn't sure about posting that on the blog, but then I thought maybe we need to know that we're not alone or unique, and that many of us are pretty-much alike, whether we live in Germany or Canada or the U.S.A., or wherever. Somewhere beyond our nationality or our ethnicity, inside us, we're all dealing with a lot of the same kinds of issues, and I think it helps sometimes to just put those out there and maybe find ways of helping one another to get beyond that, or rise above it, and perhaps become better people for having helped each other to do it.

If we look back over recorded history as far as that takes us, we will see that our technology has
steadily improved down through the ages, but we haven't improved our
emotional or behavioral characteristics hardly at all. We're still handling our interpersonal relationships very much the same as they did back in the days of ancient Egypt, when the first writing was developed and our records of history became possible. Emotionally and psychologically we're still back there in the third or fourth millennium B.C., not much further advanced than Ug and Mug, those intrepid cavemen of old.

December 4, 2011 2:18 AM

Tommy said...
Ray, thanks for starting this. As you all know, I'm dealing with my elderly mother and it's REAL tough. You see, I have some real issues that I have not resolved yet. Someday I hope to figure out that word forgiveness you speak of and how to apply it.

It's interesting, she sits there happy in her life and me, the son, sits there pissed off at the world and not able to know how to truely love and be happy. That tale from Monsieur Beep and the holding of hands touched me very deeply and I thank you for that. Hopefully before she dies, we'll be able to, at some level, share something simular. Who knows though.

December 5, 2011 5:40 AM

Ray said...
@ Thaimi & Tommy, and everyone -

As I suspected, we're all in that vast majority of people with similar problems related to relationships. Those seems to start with, but are not just confined to, our own families.

Thinking about it, maybe the problem is that nobody has ever insisted that we all take a class about 'Psychology 101 for Parents and Children' - or maybe just simply 'Before you can go out in the world, you have to read this!'

We get abused as kids because our parents knowingly or not are taking out their own insecurities and frustrations on us defenseless little kids, mostly because we're right there, and we can't fight back on their level. That in turn gets passed along because "It was good enough for me" or "This is how I was raised" or "Don't argue with your elders" - as if any of that contains a particle of sense or reason. It was more a tradition - "My parents were born unskilled and stupid about parenting, so I'm going to be the same!" Like it's a God-given right or something.

We are never formally taught while we are young enough to absorb it just how we ought to treat each other if we want to be liked or loved or respected by our peers.
We grow up "learning the hard way" and therefore repeating the same old mistakes that have been made by our ancestors for millennia.

And a lot of the so-called "training" we did get was pure horseshit, let's face it. It wasn't based on any academic knowledge or scientific formulae,
it was based usually on "I'm bigger than you are, and I'll beat the crap out of you if you don't shut up and do as I say!"

When my father was retired and I was in my forties, we finally had a serious talk about this, and I'm sure that in his own mind, he didn't even realize what a brute he had been while I was a little kid. He refused to believe what I told him of my own memories of those days, possibly because somehow he managed to blot out those incidents. But since those happened while my own memory banks were virtually empty of anything else at the time, I remember those things very clearly. Practically in "living color" as they say.
And that's the other aspect of it.
Adults often don't realize that events which don't really have a lot of deep significance to them may have really lasting impressions on little kids whose life experience is just developing as whose memories aren't already congested with the usual crap of daily life and work. They (or "we") don't put themselves in the other one's place and think about
how it may be received by the other person involved. It would take too long, or it isn't important enough, or they just don't think about it.

We need to start with kids while they are little, and teach them (and ourselves) how to interact with others in an effective but acceptable manner. I was going to say "civilized manner", but there really isn't any such thing, or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

December 5, 2011 7:40 AM

Monsieur Beep! said...
It all broke up once more and pointed to my deficits which I have deep within me in July this year when I got to know a lady which I had already been acquainted with over a 2 year period before that, but she´d been in disguise as a clown doing static display. So I had only known her voice. And even at that stage I felt attracted to her. We used to talk a few minutes, I tipped her, and walked on. Occasionally, I even didn´t visit with her at all.
It all changed in July when one night, after work, I accompanied her to her car, and she took off her gear. What a sweet tiny lady she was! I fell in love, well, no, I began to find her interesting, and being someone with probably the right chemistry.
We´ve been close friends (friends!) since July, we talk even more about her life as a single parent with a 6-year old child, and her making ends meet by doing her work as a static display artist.

And all this started a revolution within myself, because, although I´m in a partnership there hasn´t been the element of "deep" love and devotion: my partner and her family has been a "mere" substitute for my own incomplete and complicated family situation ever since I had been a baby. They gave me a lot of support.

Today, everything´s getting to "normal", nobody´s cross with each other within my family.
The new problem is: I´ve found someone whom I could/can devote my love to, which has been an impossible task up to now in my own partnership.
Yet I owe a lot to my partner, I couldn´t "just leave her", for she´s been a safe building block in my life.
But for a loving partnership, there ought to be more.

That´s in brief what´s been happening since July.
I´m on very good terms with my mom today, and her support helps me so much.

What was Tommy´s mom, to me has been my dad, I cannot call him "dad" or "pa" or "father", something deep within me does not allow calling him by such a "pet name".

Anyway, as I said, we are at good terms, I´ve gained a lot of invaluable experiences, and strangely enough, I wouldn´t want to have grown up in a normal family, after all. For then, I´d probably be just "normal", too, maybe. Not knowing what life is really about.

Ray, you´re right when you say we are still Ug and Mug persons, and still: the internet (flickr) has helped me tremendously, because I have been able to share my thoughts and troubles with a few close friends at flickr. And not forgetting your kind mentions on your blog, Ray.

I´m glad my derpressions also have vanished because of this, and I seem to have gained a totally new perspective of life now that I´ve gone through this (one of many before) deep trough.

There´s rarely a single problem, but usually one problem (parents), is the base for follow-up problems (relationsship, partnership), making the edifice of your life look like the tower of Pisa.
Much is already gained, though, if it doesn´t topple over, but keeps being tilted but rigid.

Ray, and also TC and Tommy: it feels good to have friends who can communicate not by smoke but by bits and digits.

Thank you for your kind posts and comments, I intend to add them as extra posts to my own blog, if you don´t mind.
And sorry if my comment is a bit brief, and probably partly unintelligeable, but it´s hard to condense a whole life into the few lines of a comment.

Take care, all.

December 8, 2011 5:10 AM

... my pics on flickr ...

A sweet response to my pics on flickr: -

You make me in a good mood when I see your pics and read your text.
What a nice way to start a day :)
Thanks .... and please, have a nice day!!!!

Thank you so much, Nilla. (:-)

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

... another comment ...

words are spoken so easily. but thoughts linger on, and cannot speak a proper language...

Monday, December 05, 2011

... insight ...

I´ve found the following quote on the profile page of one of my flickr friends.
I´d felt like what the quote says, before I knew the quote.

"He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye."

Thursday, December 01, 2011

... a poem ...

A flickr friend sent a poem:

i love this poem...I love poetry...

with one I love I fill myself with rage for fear I effuse unreturn'd love,
But now I think there is no unreturn'd love,
the pay is certain one way or another,
(I loved a certain person ardently and my love was not return'd,
Yet out of that I have written these songs.)

By Walt Whitman

"i will take" a pic of this poem next week...


have a nice night...

thank you so much ...

Thank you kindly, Perlette.

... a comment ...

I wrote to comment on one of Ray´s blog posts:-

Dear Ray,
thanks for visiting with my blog. Yeah I thought I had overcome all things related to my parents decades ago, only to find out that I´ll never be able to escape family [matters], and now, at a late stage in my life (too late though), everything is getting to be ok, I´ve never felt so happy and strong in all my life than at the moments a few weeks ago when I visited with my mother, and had her totally by myself, and we could hug and hold hands, with nothing any more between us, and feel the most basic love of all. "Let´s forget all that shit", she exclaimed to me, and for the first time ever she was able to hold my hand, and smile at me, and look into my eyes.
I love my mom.