The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

My Photo
Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Monday, March 30, 2009

On Staring:

Went shopping yesterday. I saw a young girl (a most beautiful one), and I stared, well not really - rather: I had a more intensive look unavoidably. Strange: had I tried to forcibly look into a different direction, this would have been just as laughable, in my opinion. What does that girl feel, when everyone looks at her - and also: deliberately/so obviously trying NOT TO STARE at her????
What a very weird situation! What is Normalty? Can we handle normalty? How can the Normal and the Unnormal communicate, in any other ways than staring or forcibly not staring??
This really confuses me. Each time I come into such a stare/not stare situation.
"Stare" might not be the right term, though, it's too tough. "Look" is better, but just as charged.
And to me it makes no sense to ask the person in question what she thinks that she'd like best.

A lot to think about. And perhaps no solution. Not yet. Maybe, not before a million years from now......

Just remind me to add a small detail at a later time.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Too Much Too Often??

I wonder: am I sitting too often in front of my computer? Am I a guy, who's lost contact to the real world??
Nay my friends, nay! The contrary is the case: Only now did I get to know the real world! Now I know what this guy or gal sitting next to me on the bus or train might be thinking. Because I might have read their blog or seen their pictures on flickr! I've learned that we are not at all that different, we are indeed brothers and sisters(even the bible could be right here). And I've changed my attitude towards people, to more friendliness! That lady at the checkout: she could be the one who writes the blog I can't wait to read every day. The Americans, they are nice people, only the administration has been weird, but not they! I call some of them my best (online) friends!

Blogger and flickr (and at the beginning, around 2000, it was AOL and its chat rooms) did change my life! To the better!

Each time when I power on the machine, my first looks go to flickr (what have my friends seen, what can I learn from them this time?), to blogger (Eo, Abi, etc, and now Ray), and only after having done my update on their stuff is it that I go to all the other pages (banking, news, etc).

I'm glad I can enjoy all these contemporary amenities.

It can never be too often!!


Well they've moved the hands of the clocks (backwards or forwards, I dunno) to show summer light saving time again.
That's why I feel very tired, plus it's still gray and melancholy outside.

I'm an evening person. I don't like it when they take away 1 precious hour in the morning.
I'm not in favour of all this time switching. The juice which I save for the light which I don't need in the evening I need in the morning - so what.

Tired, tired, tired.

Friday, March 27, 2009

On Biopsy.

Did I spell the word right?
What I don't understand, and I got a hint from my new friend Ray, that a biopsy is a good idea. Ray said it'd be as if you poked some holes into the walls of a container, but at the same time you wouldn't want to spill the contents of that container around.
There certainly is a point in that. I've been thinking the same. What does our friend, the Doctor Pascal say to this?? Quantity of words in his response limited to 10000 words, heheheheeeeeeee.
OK, Pascal, do you read??

We old farts need to be cared for.

On My Old Bones. (Good News!).

Font: moss green, hahahahhhhhhhaaaaaaaa.

Well, in my late fifties....I feel my systems start to wither. An inevitable fact. But it can be held up to a certain degree, by constantly learning new tricks, eating healthily (including blueberries. A study in American Scientist says that new braincells are constantly being produced!! A process which is supported by the juice of Blue Berries. OK, why not: Plums increase digestion, so there are effects!).
By exercising: walking up and down hill, some dumbbell training, that's enough.
If those new braincells are not used (for learning a language, a new dance etc), then they'll die! What a shame, and: what a chance to fight old-age rust!

And always laaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuughhhhhhhh!!!! Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile!!!! Loooooooking at (other) women!! Getting involved with them might break your neck though, it can be expensive! But just looooooooooking..........omg.
As "Joe" says: "...makes me go a big rubbery one." Heehee heeheeeeeeeee!! Cackle!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Billions of people on earth, and counting - where and when are they all doing it?
For sure, this is the only thing which works perfectly on our earth.

On Genetic Engineering,
and Stem Cells:

I'm saying



The virtue which the term
Responsibility denotes would take each one of us very very far, and would require just some logistic governmental guidance and organizational measures.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sometimes, I do hate this graph.

Copyright: Comdirect bank Germany.

Thanks to My Online Friend Pascal, the Doctor, Who Confirmingly Says This:

Walking is also very good. And swimming, too.
It's interesting, how little exercise one truly needs to stay in decently healthy shape. The rest is all bonus, naturally.

Yes, walking without all those devices, gadgets and those other instruments, just plain wallllllllking in the woods, or along the beach, or in the dunes - is just wonderful, and easy. And frees a choked mind.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Today, I found this
(thanks to Ray)

Albert Einstein once said,
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."

Haven't checked if Albert really wrote this, if not, then I claim to have said this, haha.

C'mon, I could have been the one!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My online friend Pascal, the Doctor, made some good remarks:

The fools don't listen, and the dead can't listen

You don't necessarily have to know the context in which these words were said, they have value on their own.

I think I'm allowed to quote.

There are (at least) Two Fatal Advices by Religion:

1. To be prolific
2. To get command of the earth.

1. By 2030 population of the earth will have grown to such an extent, that shortages of food and water will be inevitable, according to a recent report. (Prof John Beddington, UK government chief scientist).
2. In what way??? Using it as a dumping yard, as we've been doing since the industrial revolution??

Growing world population will cause a "perfect storm" of food, energy and water shortages by 2030, the UK government chief scientist is warning.

Source: BBC news /
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030' / Date: March 19, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

And this:

if you do not ask, it is a definite 100% NO, if you ask, you improve your chances by 50%!!!

Same reference.

I found this in a blog:

Good people, who know how to behave well and in a civil manner, too often paying the price for those who don’t.

This is so true, and you see or feel it everywhere in our daily lives...

Words Copyright Marthaindigo

Thursday, March 12, 2009

On Shootings in Schools, and Other (Human) Atrocities. And on "God".

It wouldn't help to punish the perpetrators. First they're left dead themselves in most cases, and the people they've killed won't come back either.

It's more a matter of preventing. But how? We've got to appeal to the responsibility in ourselves. Responsibility is produced in our brains. So we'd have to change the brains themselves (we commonly do so, in an accepted way, by consuming alcohol, which alters the function of the brain for a while, mainly to the better, making us hilarious, and, well, more sociable (love thy brother). There are of course exceptions to the rule).

"God" gave us the capability of sequencing and changing our building blocks, the genomes. Maybe she wants us to complete her work, to form a congregation of happy human beings living in paradise, until the demise of our sun. Just don't tell me she tolerates or even wants us to kill each other to reach this goal.

What do you think?

Please note I've used quotation marks. Why? Please see my former blogs for explanations.
And also note I'm using the "she" form!! I also could have used the "it" form.

Atrocities of the same kind have happened since mankind evolved from his ancestors. But whereas they formerly only had a piece of wood to be used as a club to be smashed on the opponents head, today, the actuators have become much more sophisticated: guns, cars, planes, you name it.

Sad as it is, but I believe it's normal on a path along which our highly developed, but evolutionary still young brains have to adjust to the possibilities on this planet.
As we have seen during the last decades, since the beginning of the 20th century, wrong use of powerful actuators can be so fatal.

I hope at the end of the path there will be, well, solution, peace, and perfect lives.

As long as we don't fully comprehend the universe, we will move forward only slowly, with a lot of blood along the path, sad enough to say...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On the Environment.

It is stupid to drive in a car powered by a combustion engine.
It is smart to drive in a hydrogen or electricity - powered car. Provided, the electricity is generated.....blah blah blah, I needn't say more.

I've been driving a combustion engine car all my life.

I'd love to drive a new technology car.

I won't stop driving. Why should I.

Again: On God, Faith, Prayer, and The Universe.

Due to several personal experiences during the last years I'm convinced that there are mechanisms ruling the universe which we cannot perceive directly with our senses, but which are nontheless present. It has to do with intensive projecting of one's thoughts, some may call it prayer, which certainly is of an akin nature. - I'm still investigating and testing.
I've replaced the term "GOD" for "CREATION". An interim result of my investigation. ;-) But I still have no idea who's or what's behind CREATION. ;-/
Btw, a lot of smart thoughts concerning this special issue, among others, are published in "Scientific American". And also, most recently, in "Time", issue # 173/8 2009.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On Social Security, and Taxes.

Suppose you're born on a planet. The first few years, your parents will care for you, but then YOU got to stand on your own feet, establish a life of your own.

You need to take incentives and efforts to make your life comfortable, well, even to fill your belly in the first place. "That's life", as the saying goes.

You're surrounded by beings akin to you, but everybody fights for his own life. Some fighting can be exchanged. One person is better at making shoes than the other is at hunting a fierce lion. To make exchanges even more comfortable for all, money is introduced, making efforts exchangeable better.

Ok. Let's suppose the lion bites off one of your legs, or all two of them - what now? You're certainly going to die, you're so helpless now. But your fellows are kind and nice: they will support you.

But they're supporting YOU with the outcome of THEIR efforts. They share the hare with YOU which THEY hunted .


The system which you're living in on that planet is called capitalism with a component of socialism.

Monday, March 09, 2009

My blog, version2.

As you can see, I've brushed up my blog. Making it a bit easier to read.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


"(Human) Life is a way to collect more insight."

I read this statement on a blog, in different wording, but same meaning (on aniko's blog)

That's ok with me, I also see life this way - provided my belly's full, hehehe.

I'm a lifelong student, and grateful that my belly doesn't have to revolt.

(you've just been reading text in my favourite colour).

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I love to pay taxes!

My money's used for beautiful, well-marked and smooth roads!
Children can go to school free of charge, but books are not free, to give them a feel for value and ownership.
If someone really suffers from being laid off, she'll get support, but not indefinitely. See, we all have to fight to stay alive.
To save money, the amount of regulating people working for the state has been reduced to an absolute minimum. If they deliver bad work, they can get fired, like in all businesses.
The tax amount is a mere 10 per cent of my income. Even this sum could be reduced further, as one politician announced recently.

Apart from all this, tax is used as an instrument to control the effectivity of economics, and to adapt economics to certain (eg environmental) requirements.

Ha, you might ask, on which planet do I live? On Utopia. A wonderful planet, it's even in our own solar system.