The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

My Photo
Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

...unknown path...

Man soll ruhig einen Pfad ein Stueck weit gehen, auch wenn er ins Unbekannte fuehrt.



I´ve changed the appearance of my blog, first change in ages of blogging.

We need a change, now and then. I love the brown colours, autumnal.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Thoughts are randomly in freedom, reality goes along strict guidelines, leaving almost no room for imagination. (Daily chores, deadlines, kids, school, and so on).
Thoughts are sometimes difficult to handle and they can be a heavy burden, but still: they can roam about freely. We can also tweak them to our liking.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

...the clown...

Why worry about nothing??
Life is a mere draught,
a draught, which can so easily
shut a door!!
Forever, here.
Only to sway the curtain of an unknown, new existence.
To live life, now.
It could be too late
the very next MINUTE
This is what every clown is going to tell us! By watching his laughter, his clumsiness, his broken voive, his invisible and silent Cry For A Better World.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012



is the expression of joy

in labor

© LW (flickr)

[labor: 1. work 2. the act of giving birth to a child]

there´s always some green to be found.
in the dark,
we won´t notice.


...the sky...

The sky of the south.
The sky of dreams.
The sky of sensuality.
The sky of the north
only gives warmth.

inspired by a photo on flickr
my comment.


Sunday, April 01, 2012

...on theories...

is Newton

(and sex)
is Einstein

my comment on a flickr photo (stbb)