The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

My Photo
Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We aren´t shit!

Since we can think, at kindergarten, school, and so on, we´ve been subject to an insinuation:

we are bad,
because our first "parents" sinned in paradise
and we got to carry the burden of their legacy until the end of time....

this might have been a supportable idea during the middle ages, but not any more so nowadays:

we ought to be proud of ourselves,
leave that legacy (which is a legacy based on ancient thinking in the first place, now revised by modern science) and start as deliberated responsible and amiable beings.

We all have a responsibility, at least for the well being on our planet for our off spring.

We should be more proud to be humans with intelligence, and show it.
We are not guilty, by legacy.

Please change conditions for our being on earth.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hubble (formerly: The Bible)

In almost any churches, at least all that I´ve seen, are seen sculptures and statues and images of grief and mishappenings. The crucified Lord, his path of suffering to the cross.

I think it´s time to re-decorate church walls: with pictures taken from the HUBBLE telescope!!

Do we need more proof of a wonderful and miraculous universe?

Sunday, April 25, 2010 era

We´ve definitely arrived at a point where a new era begins: the global engineering era. I think thats the right term, although we could also name it globalization, digital age, information age, cosmic era and so on.

The determinating feature is that we can now communicate online worldwide instantly, and have the power to alter the environment, or specifications of the planet.

We´re already doing it by pumping CO2 into the atmosphere at a large scale. This is geo engineering with negative effects,
and we need to find a balance to minimize the negative consequences of a warming of the planet.
It doesn´t do any harm to the planet, there have been lots of warm periods before. But we cannot survive in an environment which becomes more and more inconvenient.

Also there´s the urgent need to limit the number of us, already reaching 9 billion, and counting. That grows won´t be sustainable.

Also we need new spiritual guidelines, a modern red line which our souls can follow to restore our inner balance.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

1 by 1, won´t make 0.

I´ve found out that doing things in one by one steps is so much easier than do it all in a bulk, be it household chores, job-related tasks, or whatever.

Monday, April 19, 2010



...the atoms of the digital world.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

...Volcanic Ash...

There´s a cloud of volcanic ash from an erupting volcano in Iceland around the skies over almost all of Europe. Which means that almost all flights over Europe have been cancelled over the weekend.

There are no exhaust trails to be seen in the sky here above Western Germany, and generally, my impression is that I´ve never seen the sky with such an intense blue RIGHT DOWN TO THE HORIZON, which is unusual, because the lower you look the more obscured and misty the view usually gets.

I´m not saying it´s because of the absent exhaust up there. The cause for the very clear skies could also be the anticyclone over Europe. An anticyclone usually comes with clear skies, too.

But even so, we´ve had lots of anticyclones over Europe (although our weather seems to be more cyclone-generated, with storms, rain, and clouds, haha). But very very rarely has there been such a sky, not only that, but also over such a long period!
Generally, anticyclone weather tends to get misty and more and unbreathable after 2 or 3 days.

I´m in favour of air traffic, I fly a lot myself.
But I´ve always been craving when I look up to the skies, filled with exhaust trails.

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Feature

I´ve encluded the new flickr badge which you see on the right-hand side of this post.
The badge shows a random selection of my vast flickr gallery. You might change the pictures in the bag by reloading the page (press the reload button in the address bar of your browser).

I got the idea from Deborah´s blog.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Self esteem

Sometimes people will laugh at you (even strangers in the street) and you don't know why.

Try to play a role (like a clown) so that not only people laugh at you (playing this role) but even you will start laughing at yourself playing this role.
So now you're in the know why people laugh at you.

Paper value

Our money, the bills or notes,
is just paper.
Imagine a clipping of the same size, colour, and so on, and you'd put it into the sustainable trash bin, at best.

Whereas a bill has magic to it, an intrinsic value. Although it's paper you never see it as a sheet of paper, your treating it like a golden coin.

Bills / notes replace gold, indeed.


Fond manager

As a private investor you manage your own portfolio and depend on its well-being.

As a fond manager (the portfolio is now named fond, more or less) you collect enormous sums of money and invest them for others, whereas you get a regular income out of the fonds.

Your job might be a safe one as long as the fond is a stable one consisting of value companies and as long as a crash doesn't occur.

Friday, April 02, 2010


Cycles rule nature.

Cycling is key solution to solving our environmental issues:

:: not storing but transforming energy

:: water storage - H2O split-up - fuel cell

:: carbon in the atmosphere - planting trees

and so on.

Cycles - ups and downs - bad and good