The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

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Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


D r a f t: My main contributions to the planets society (my legacy, are the following two (I don't know if some peer being has developed the same ideas, probably so): • We are hopping through the bubbleverse. We are travelling space trillions of times inbetween our existences of all sorts on different [planets] of all sorts • We need to upgrade the way how our global society is organized. Human leaders tend to think in frames of personal power and also have weapons at their disposal which can destruct the whole world simply by pressing the red atomic button which sits on their desks. They need to be teplaced by Sophisticated Digital Intelligenge which a huge database of knowledge, acting according to principles of reason, wisdom and empathy.

Monday, November 20, 2023

We're Not Alone

Considering the vast dimensions of the bubble verse and the endless number of galaxis that it comprises it is a sensible deduction to say that the bubble verse, "sky above our heads, is teaming with life of trillions trillions trillions of sorts. What is even more: it is a plausible argument, it is even unavoidable, that individual consciousness is hopping not only from individuum to indivituum, but it is also spread over the whole bubble verse: We are travelling through space without realizing it. Where was "I" BEFORE I was born here on Earth? Same category if question: where will I go when I'm done here on Earth - as ANOTHER SELFCONSCIOUSNESS. Sonit makes sense to assume that all fellow beings which live with us on Earth are different forms of OURSELF, we are seeing OURSELF being in different forms of existence. It doesn't matter if we are together here on one planet sharing the same ers, or if we are hopping from existence to existence all over bubble verse at different times.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Draft: Science

I've developed a new idea over the last few years about our existence in the cosmos. Due to my accumulated knowledge which I've gained by studying books, magazines, wikipedia and so on, my originally set-up of explanations of how this world functions have become outdated and obsolete. Along with kearning about the world as a child I was highly influenced by religious ideas - and that was ok. I believed strongly in all the catholic explanations and stories which are told in the bible. I was happy with the explanations, although there were a few inconsistencies in the script. Today I'm influenced by knowledge and by science (which still allows the existence of sime unexplainable administration of the cosmos!). t b c

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Blogger - A Collection Of Everyone’s Legacy?

I need to investigate what will happen to my blogger journal in case the admins at Google shouldn't see any more activity in this place, usually due to a "passing away" event. Let's face it: everyone of us will be in for this one-and-only-experience sooner or later. Will Google delete the complete my both journal and account? Or will it be kept until eternity. I bet it's being dealt with somewhere in their "Terms and Conditions". I'd like it if they would keep the stuff as my legacy for the future generations. Many of my thoughts might be quite useful as a guideline for folks newly born to this planet. A can be deduced from the new layout of the headlines of my journal entries ( more dots ...), I've found a new purpose of my good old blogger: disseminating my thoughts to the world, to unknown readers. Evenso I'm writing and posting "in private" so to speak, as I've deactivated the comments: for this is my secret diary. Only the "Cosmos" is allowed to lissen.
The "Cosmos": that's "you and me". So, there's no contradiction.

Exercising & Motivation

Exercising has a positive effekt on health, as has long been known. The "only" problem is - you guessed it - motivation. If we have the choice between lying on the sofa or going outdoors for some exercising, gym, running - or even doing some exercising indoors - which do we prefer? You guessed it. Recently, during the warmer days of the summer, I've found for myself a remedy which seems to work quite well and extremely m o t i v a t i n g: I took my bicycle and rode to my nice calm exercising ground some 3 km away from home. Its an apple orchard meadow with rows of apple trees, rimmed by brush through which flows a little creek. I had discovered the place accidentally - and I was hooked right from the start. It's secluded, guaranteering some privacy, and is perfect for my little exercising.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

…Wishful Thinking For This Planet (Earth)…

in the making • The realization that this is the only place within a radius of probably 10s if not 100s of lightyears where we can walk around in fresh air without having to don one of these clumsy space suits, providing for us food, water and the performance of activitues of all sorts, including technical inventions, pusuing science, and a lot more, really a lot.

…Draft folder on blogger

Using blogger as a drafting and/or sketching tool for posts either here and/or on facebook and twitter. A triangle so to speak to dessiminate ideas into these three branches of social media without character limitation. Maybe

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

...Good Old Blogger...

...always coming back to good, old blogger. How coukd blogger be made better accepted? As s personal website, maybe. As with finance blogger is a longtime "investment". More of a petsonal kegacy, perhaps. Google / please NEVER shut down blogger .

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Good old blogger 2022

Spent some time browsing my OLD POSTS here on blogger, realizing how precious they've become over time. Is blogger dead? In the light of Facebook? I don't know really. Blogger is good for longer stories, and it is"calmer" here than in the mall of Facebook which is buzzing with life. See you, blogger.