...messages on Twitter: they are like sand on a beach, or rather, like
drops in an ocean of water, messages emerging and vanishing
constantly, like drops in the waves of the ocean, which sometimes
reach the shore, interacting with people taking a bath, with the
surfers, giving support to sailboats.
There will be billions of messages on a single day rushing around the
globe. Most of them without any meaning at all, just to support the
flow of the endless stream of the "timeline".
Yet a few drops, or messages, do have a meaning, they were written by
human souls, addressed to a few selected recipients.
All these "tweets" aren't neutral, they are our thoughts set free,
like a bird leaving a cage, and they float around the world, and can
be perceived by others.
Never have our thoughts been so accessible, so public. Never before
have our minds be so transparent.
You know what the person sitting opposite to you on a bus is thinking,
because of the tweets she's sending over her smartphone. This had been
unimaginable until the year 2000 or so, before social networking
Social networking is a great big chance for all of us to understand
each other better, and to form a global community.
I'm not talking here about the risks which the medium bears at the
same time.
This isn't a feature of the medium itself, because it's only a
neutral tool.
It's a feature of people, of each of us. How can we overcome our dark
(Enviado desde mi iPod)
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