this Winter 2010/2011 has been the worst in decades!
Not only weatherwise, with all the severe cold and snowfalls even
before the official beginning of the Winter.
Worse: I have lost two valued online friends, one on flickr, a loose
friendship though. And I also lost the friendship of a woman with whom
I exchanged loads of emails, talking about feelings, love, and other
personal things with an intensity like I never had experienced
before. The break came all out of a sudden, with piercing, painful
words in an email - it was a hit like with a hammer.
I so valued that friendship, because it was unique in that it was
purely online.
It had been so good to have someone out there to listen.
Probably I had been overdoing it? Keeping the lady like in a cage?
Also, maybe, there had been the usual dose of misunderstandings.
Sad, so sad. She had been such a good companion.
Now bitterness prevails. No more emails from her - the line is like
A deep cut. I hate this most terrible winter of all.
(Enviado desde mi iPod)
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