I love this photo.
So why? Why do I love this photo? Because it was taken with a simple no frills camera? Yes, for that simple camera produced not just a simple picture, but a watercolour painting! For more details both on where and when and how this picture was taken, go to my photo collection on flickr.
Using a simple camera doesn't mean that the photos taken with it are scrap, not at all. Simplicity of technology sometimes enhances the result! This used to be true with the first camera which I owned, a KODAK Instamatic 50 camera, which I still have.
Using a simple camera doesn't mean that the photos taken with it are scrap, not at all. Simplicity of technology sometimes enhances the result! This used to be true with the first camera which I owned, a KODAK Instamatic 50 camera, which I still have.
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