The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

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Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A New Insight

1. Creation (Atoms -> Molecules -> Cells)
2. Evolution
3. Mutation ( caused by accident, radiation, environment )
3a. "good" mutation leads to evolution and further mutations of strain
3b. "bad" mutation leads to extinction of strain.
4. Evolution of new strain/species (previous stage = 3a)
5. Mutation
5a. ...
5b. ...

and so on.

Example for a mutation caused by environment (hypothetical):
Global warming will lead to extinction of strain or even whole species (GlobWarm-scenario comparable to impact of cosmic object (asteroid) which led to the extinction of the dinos).
A new strain will evolve which hopefully makes better use of the earth.