Insights of a Sensor:
There are clues to what the secret of our existence is:
Nature is organized in cycles, circles, ups and downs, creation and termination. Like a the water in a river, which consists of the same particles, but in different status: ripples, waves, vapour, liquid, ice.
Spring - Summer - Autumn - Winter.
Baby - Youth - Adolescence - Boney Man.
Buds - Leaves - Indian Summer - Cold air, darkness.
It looks as if "life" is organized and represented by individuals acting as "sensors". These can be cells, microbes, animals, humans.
Each individual or sensor comprises parts which make it suitable for its environment:
In humans this is the sceleton, the various organs, a control center, all of which form an individual entity.
It looks as if even the "I" or "Me" or "Myself" is just another "organ", like a liver, a heart etc.
New entities are created over and over again, comprising new organs, but never does a distinct individual organ (and a distinct "I") appear a second time.
Can the "I" be defined as an organ?
70 Millimeters!!!
One millimeter stands for one year. 70 millimeters is the lifespan of a human being. 200 meters from where you are standing: can you see the first hominides in Africa who lived 200 000 years ago? A kilometer stands for 1 million years, 1 000 kms for 1 billion years.
The forming of our solar systems is some 5 000 kms away on the time scale, the Big Bang 15 000 kms.
The time scale can be imagined to start at the western coast of Africa with the beginning of our solar system 5 billion years ago. Now travel 5 000 kms across the whole continent through the Sahara to the eastern coast, that's where the present is according to the time scale whith the evolution of our species along the very last few hundred meters!
Just imagine the span of time these figures stand for!!!
Why are we so important? Can anybody find 70 millimeters in a distance of 5000 kilometers which represents the age of the solar system?? A needle in a haystack can be found so much easier.
Lean back and think of the scale / dimensions of time and space that are involved!
There are clues to what the secret of our existence is:
Nature is organized in cycles, circles, ups and downs, creation and termination. Like a the water in a river, which consists of the same particles, but in different status: ripples, waves, vapour, liquid, ice.
Spring - Summer - Autumn - Winter.
Baby - Youth - Adolescence - Boney Man.
Buds - Leaves - Indian Summer - Cold air, darkness.
It looks as if "life" is organized and represented by individuals acting as "sensors". These can be cells, microbes, animals, humans.
Each individual or sensor comprises parts which make it suitable for its environment:
In humans this is the sceleton, the various organs, a control center, all of which form an individual entity.
It looks as if even the "I" or "Me" or "Myself" is just another "organ", like a liver, a heart etc.
New entities are created over and over again, comprising new organs, but never does a distinct individual organ (and a distinct "I") appear a second time.
Can the "I" be defined as an organ?
70 Millimeters!!!
One millimeter stands for one year. 70 millimeters is the lifespan of a human being. 200 meters from where you are standing: can you see the first hominides in Africa who lived 200 000 years ago? A kilometer stands for 1 million years, 1 000 kms for 1 billion years.
The forming of our solar systems is some 5 000 kms away on the time scale, the Big Bang 15 000 kms.
The time scale can be imagined to start at the western coast of Africa with the beginning of our solar system 5 billion years ago. Now travel 5 000 kms across the whole continent through the Sahara to the eastern coast, that's where the present is according to the time scale whith the evolution of our species along the very last few hundred meters!
Just imagine the span of time these figures stand for!!!
Why are we so important? Can anybody find 70 millimeters in a distance of 5000 kilometers which represents the age of the solar system?? A needle in a haystack can be found so much easier.
Lean back and think of the scale / dimensions of time and space that are involved!
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