The Mystery of Our Existence

This is my main blog, written in the form of a diary. Enjoy reading my sometimes whimsical way of explaining things. IMPORTANT NOTE: I´m not responsible for the content of any websites I´m linking to!!!

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Location: EU (DE/GC)

I'll be a hundred and ten in the not too distant future, the old ship's got a few blotches, but she's still on course!

Monday, January 18, 2010

A manual for Life

This is what should be done in school: going step by step through the Manual of Life. But school isn't essential at all times for accomplishing this task - it could also be done self-studying, saving a lot of energy for transport.
The Bible is a good manual for a start. And it has served the purpose well during ancient times. Modern times are different though, that's why a more contemporary manual has become necessary, referring to our modern style of life and, above all, the discoveries made by science.
The manual should take into consideration our position in our precious habitat, planet earth. A sturdy cosmic body, yet with a vulnerable environment to serve us humans as a comfortable abode.